Academic information system AiS2 is a complex information system which is intended for management of all three university study programmes (Bachelor, Master and PhD.) and support of the management of the university science and research.

Uniqueness of AiS2 lies in its complexity and wide-range implementation at universities with different structure of the faculties and study programmes. AiS2 has been gradually implemented at UPJŠ in Košice, UMB in Banská Bystrica, UKF in Nitra, UVL in Košice, AU in Banská Bystrica, UJS in Komárno, UCM v Trnava, TNuAD in Trenčín, KU v Ružomberok, AOS in Liptovským Mikuláš, SEVŠ in Skalica, EU in Bratislava, VŠMU in Bratislava, VŠVU in Bratislava, VŠ in Sládkovičovo and at UK in Bratislava.

AiS2 is the most common academic information system at Slovak universities. Nowadays it is available for more than 103 000 students at Slovak universities which is more than 53% of all students at Slovak universities.

AiS2 is a successor of the Academic Information System AIS, which was developed at University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice in the period since 1997 until 2007. A development of the second version started to be parallelly in 2004. The second version took into consideration changes in technologies, implementation experience and operation of the AIS at different universities as well as rising users´ demands. Development of the new version was supported by the Ministry of Education SR by means of the central development IT project.

Development of the AiS2 is provided by a stable and permanently professionalized development team. Technology background of the project is supplied by VSL Software a.s. Košice on the basis of a long term cooperation.

Academic background
AiS2 was developed at UPJŠ and is still being developed at academic grounds from where it is further passed over under no commercial circumstances. AiS2 reflects experience of all universities which use the AiS2. Development of the AiS2 is closely connected to the changes which all the universities had to face when the credit system study started to be implemented.

Individual universities using AiS2 have possibility to influence further development and direction of the project through Steering and Implementation committee. A platform for mutual exchange of experience is created for individual universities. They cooperate also on preparation of methodical and schooling materials. Universities cooperation is also demonstrated by natural standardization of individual processes connected to study management.
AiS2 obrazom

Pohľad do "kuchyne" AiS2

Analytici AiS2

Akademinický informačný systém AIS2 © Pf UPJŠ Košice, 2009